The 14 Best Moments in Every Relationship

1. The first time you hang out one-on-one (and yes, Netflixing counts). Nothing is more exciting than letting out all your pent-up crush energy on a first date. It's almost as big a deal as your potential wedding day in terms of stories you'll have to tell over and over. PRO TIP: Don't bring up potential weddings on the first date.

2. That first awkward, nervous pause right before your first kiss. Your first kiss says, "I like hanging out with you, but I also want to make out with you all the time. Let's take this to the next level."

The 10 Habits of Long-Lasting Couples

We've all swooned at the adorable stories of couples who spend their whole lives together, and are just as much in love with each other in old age as they were right at beginning. But what is their secret? How do they manage to maintain, and strengthen, their love through the years?
Well, psychiatrist Mark Goulston has published his advice. Read on to discover his 10 tips for lasting relationships:

1. Go to bed together. This doesn't mean go have sex every single night, but rather go to bed at the same time. Dr. Goulston reckons that "happy couples resist the temptation to go to bed at different times" even if one gets back up shortly after. There's nothing like a bedtime cuddle!

The 14 Best Things About Having a Boyfriend

1. No more fumbley, weird "I don't even know what you like" first-time sex. That's not to say that boyfriend sex is fool-proof but your odds of having someone accidentally pull your hair because their stupid elbow was on it go down by a lot. 

2. He can not reply to your text and you won't go into a panic attack shame spiral wondering if he's ghosting. You can say "he's probably just busy" and know for a fact that yes, that is why. It's like having an oxygen tank at all times.

13 Things Not to Say to Someone Who's Always in a Relationship

1. "How do you spice it up?" As if it weren't already spicy. When you're in a really, really good relationship, you don't have to search for spices — they're just there in infinite supply. 

2. "You're young! You need to get out there and experience what the world has to offer you." And by that do you mean "have one-night stands with guys who don't know what they're doing and first dates that are awkward as hell"? I don't judge if that's what you enjoy. But if I found My Person, there's no point in going on dates that I don't really want to be on.

6 Proven Ways to Succeed with Online Dating

Online dating is the greatest invention the world has ever seen. Think about it: it’s like online shopping for sex. You browse profiles, find someone you like and start a conversation. With any luck they will like you back and you can look forward to a new life of love, romance and passionate lovemaking. In theory.